Results for 'Priya U. Hari'

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  1.  14
    Tematiziranje kršćanske liturgike u časopisu Islamska misao.Haris Veladžić & Bajram Dizdarević - 2024 - Disputatio Philosophica 25 (1):79-91.
    Ono što islam kao religiju posebno karakterizira jest otvorenost prema drugim religijama i „duh dijalogiziranja“, što je zapravo jedna od suštinskih ideja Časnog Kur’āna. Za takvo što je nužan „drugi“, drugi koji će nastojati da se u svojoj ukupnosti razumije. Upravo je časopis Islamska misao jednim dijelom bio posvećen spomenutoj ideji, što potvrđuju tekstovi koje planiramo u ovom radu analizirati. Zapravo, sve to svjedoči jednom polaganom otvaranju koje je karakteriziralo period u kojemu je časopis izlazio, te kako političkoj emancipaciji tako (...)
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    Beta Oscillatory Changes and Retention of Motor Skills during Practice in Healthy Subjects and in Patients with Parkinson's Disease.Aaron B. Nelson, Clara Moisello, Jing Lin, Priya Panday, Serena Ricci, Andrea Canessa, Alessandro Di Rocco, Angelo Quartarone, Giuseppe Frazzitta, Ioannis U. Isaias, Giulio Tononi, Chiara Cirelli & M. Felice Ghilardi - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Comics approach to teaching philosophy for children.Haris Cerić & Elmana Cerić - 2023 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (2):77-99.
    The aim of this paper is to present how an innovative approach to teaching philosophy can effectively meet the requirements of the prescribed curriculum, and contribute to achieving the expected learning outcomes, interdisciplinary teaching and learning links, formative monitoring and evaluation of student achievements, to achieve educational subject goals. In this paper, the authors, considering comics as a kind of teaching medium, i.e., the application of the comic method in teaching, on the example of a scenario for a philosophy lesson (...)
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    Inclusion of Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) as an Elective Course in Tertiary Education in China.Liu Shu & Mohamad Fitri Bin Mohamad Haris - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:477-485.
    In recent years, China has increasingly emphasized art education, particularly dance, for its therapeutic benefits and cultural significance. Dance Movement Therapy (DMT), which originated in the U.S. in the 1960s, integrates emotional and physical health through dance. This interdisciplinary approach combines art, psychology, and exercise, showing effectiveness in treating psychological disorders and enhancing well-being. Integrating DMT into Chinese higher education could improve mental health outcomes for students by offering an engaging, participatory alternative to traditional counseling methods.
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  5. Kur’an İlimleri Bağlamında Erken Dönemde Nesh Algısı: H'ris el-Muh'sibî Örneği.Hekim Tay - 2019 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 51:49-82.
    Nesh konusu tefsir, kelâm ve fıkhı ilgilendiren temel meselelerden biridir. Nesh, mahiyet itibarı ile Kur’ân tarihi ile yakından ilgilidir. Hz. Peygamber, sahabe ve nüzûl süreci neshte belirleyici etken olarak görünmektedir. İlk asırlarda neshin varlığından ziyade, kapsam ve niteliği inceleme konusu yapılmıştır. Şüphesiz bu durum, mütekaddim dönemde neshin varlığını kabul etmeyen herhangi bir görüşün belirgin bir şekilde ortaya çıkmamasıyla yakından ilgiliydi. Müteahhir dönemde Kur’ân’da neshin gerçekleşmediği sesleri yükselmeye başlamış, modern dönemde bu düşüncenin taraftarları azımsanmayacak kadar artmıştır. Nehs konusunda fikir beyân eden (...)
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    The Works of al-Kāfiyajī and Its Contribution to the Arabic Linguistic: Identification, Classification and Evaluation.Murat Tala - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1081-1111.
    Muhyiddîn el-Kâfiyecî (öl. 879/1474), on beşinci yüzyıl Saruhanoğulları, Osmanlı ve Memlüklü alimlerindendir. Yüzden çok eser yazmıştır. Makale Kâfiyeci’nin hayatı ve eserlerini araştırır. Yazdığı eserler, onun, Arap dili, Arap grameri, belagat, tarih metodolojisi, hadis ve usulü, tefsir ve usulü, fıkıh ve usulü, kelâm, tasavvuf, dil felsefesi, semantik, metafizik meseleler, geometri, optik ve astronomi gibi konularda uzmanlaştığını göstermektedir. Kâfiyeci en önemli eserlerini Arap dili ve mantık sahalarında yazmıştır. Eserleri içerisinde yaptığı linguistik çözümlemeler, onun yetkin bir dil alimi olduğunu göstermektedir. Kâfiyeci eserlerini yazarken (...)
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  7.  32
    Representation facilitates reasoning: what natural frequencies are and what they are not.U. Hoffrage - 2002 - Cognition 84 (3):343-352.
  8.  26
    COVID-19 and Management Scholarship: Lessons for Conducting Impactful Research.Gerard George, Gokhan Ertug, Hari Bapuji, Jonathan P. Doh, Johanna Mair & Ajnesh Prasad - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (4):715-744.
    The COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity for management scholars to address large-scale and complex societal problems and strive for greater practical and policy impact. A brief overview of the most-cited work on COVID-19 reveals that, compared with their counterparts in other disciplines, leading management journals and professional associations lagged in providing a platform for high-impact research on COVID-19. To help management research play a more active role in responding to similar global challenges in the future, we propose an integrative framework (...)
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  9. Paper: A new law on advance directives in Germany.U. Wiesing, R. J. Jox, H.-J. Heßler & G. D. Borasio - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (12):779-783.
    This article presents the new German law on advance directives from 1 September 2009. The history of the parliamentary process of this law is described, the present regulations are explained, their relevance for medical practice discussed and shortcomings are identified. Finally, the new law is compared with other regulations in the international context. Previously established legal practice in Germany has now become largely confirmed by the new law: An advanced directive must be respected in any decision concerning medical treatment, regardless (...)
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  10.  41
    Visual awareness of objects correlates with activity of right occipital cortex.S. Vanni, Antti Revonsuo, J. Saarinen & R. Hari - 1996 - Neuroreport 8:183-186.
  11.  52
    Word-by-word entrainment of speech rhythm during joint story building.Tommi Himberg, Lotta Hirvenkari, Anne Mandel & Riitta Hari - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  12.  6
    Margo’s Individuality in John Green’s Paper Towns: Exploring the Realms of Unrequited Love and the Frontiers for a Liberated Woman.L. Dyah Purwita Wardani, Ignatius Heditto Bambang Priyambogo, Supiastutik, Imam Basuki, Erna Cahyawati, Ghanesya Hari Murti & Fatou Bintou Diatta - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:289-301.
    The article aims to examine how individuality is projected in Paper Towns by John Green. John Green’s writings are known for sharp dialogue, unrequited love, and many heart-breaking twists. Green identifies the individualistic spirit through Margo's character, which becomes a focus of this paper. The different facets of the character are explored to reveal the bildungsroman journey undertaken. John Green's Paper Towns is the primary text of analysis in this study. Other secondary sources are also consulted to substantiate the arguments (...)
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  13. Teoria giuridica della complessita.U. Pagallo - 2007 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 84 (4):659.
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  14. Saram kwa sasang.U. -hyŏn Cho & Hyŏng-sŏk Kim (eds.) - 1960
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  15. Chung-kuo che hsüeh shih pen i.Po-ssu Chʻu - 1978
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  16. Hsin chê hsüeh.Po-ssŭ Chʻu - 1947
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  17. Huang Li-chou hsüeh shu ssu hsiang yen chiu.Wen-chüan Chʻu - 1976
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  18. Hsi yang che hsüeh hsiao shih.Tseng-ku Chʻüan - 1972
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  19. Li tse hsüeh tʻung lun.Po-ssu Chʻu - 1973 - [Hua kang shu chang tsung ching hsiao,:
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  20. Pien chêng wei wu chu i ti chi pên chih shih. Chʻün-shêng - 1956
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  21. Pu kʻo chih chu i pʻi pʻan.Tsêng-ku Chʻüan - 1956
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  22. Wang Chʻung Lun heng yen chiu.Wen-chüan Chʻu - 1974
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    Auditory cortex extraction of attended speech envelope in a multi-talker background.Vander Ghinst Marc, Bourguignon Mathieu, Op De Beeck Marc, Wens Vincent, Marty Brice, Hassid Sergio, Choufani Georges, Jousmäki Veikko, Hari Riitta, Van Bogaert Patrick, Goldman Serge & De Tiège Xavier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  24. The Medicines Act 1968.U. K. Parliament - 1977 - In Vincent Stuart, Order. [New York]: Random House.
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    Zakon edinstva protivopolozhnosteĭ.Mikhail Alekseevich Parni︠u︡k (ed.) - 1991 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Kōil Olugu, the Chronicles of the Srirangam Temple with Historical NotesKoil Olugu, the Chronicles of the Srirangam Temple with Historical Notes.D. M. S. & V. N. Hari Rao - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (2):281.
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    Austrian philosophy and the persistence of metaphysics.U. K. Manchester - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-11.
    Following an overview of Mark Textor's wide-ranging narrative in The Disappearance of the Soul and the Turn Against Metaphysics, I note his treatment of the discussion of Brentano's thesis and discuss that of the naturalistic opposition to Brentano, Textor's understanding of the concept of Austrian Philosophy and raise a question about the survival of metaphysics he advocates.
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  28.  43
    (1 other version)Lakatos und politische theorie.U. Steinvorth - 1980 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 11 (1):135-146.
    Summary I try to apply Lakatos's metacriterion of the rationality of normative philosophies of science to normative political theories, stressing that Lakatos's metacriterion is not only an extension of Popper's idea of tests by potentially falsifyingdescriptive basic judgments to tests by potentially falsifyingnormative judgments. Rather, its application is a test by demonstrating the tested theory's capability of reconstructing its own history as rational. Finally I argue that the tradition of utilitarian political theories is fittest to be confirmed by a Lakatosian (...)
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  29. Cunoașterea psihologică și condiția incertitudinii.Valeriu Ceaușu - 1978 - București: Editura Militară.
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    Ekayāna philosophy of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka Sūtra.Tâm Đức - 2012 - Delhi: Originals.
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  31.  16
    Jewish scientists as geniuses and epigones: scientific practice and attitudes towards Albert Einstein, Ferdinand Cohn, Richard Goldschmidt.U. Chapra & U. Deichmann - 2008 - Studia Rosenthaliana 40:75-108.
  32. Scientific progress.U. Charpa - 1988 - Philosophische Rundschau 35 (1-2):117-131.
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  33. Về lối sống mới của chúng ta.Phong Châu - 1983 - Hà Nội: Sự thật. Edited by Trọng Thụ Nguyễn.
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    Pramana-Naya-Tattvalokalamkara.Douglas D. Daye, Vadi Devasuri & Hari Satya Bhattacharya - 1976 - Philosophy East and West 26 (4):479.
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    The Mechanistic Conception of Life.U. A. Hauber - 1933 - New Scholasticism 7 (3):187-200.
  36.  15
    Intimations of quality: antemortem and post-mortem diagnoses.U. Maclean - 1978 - Journal of Medical Ethics 4 (3):154-154.
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    Mixed Communications: Problems and Progress in Medical Care: Essays on Current Research.U. Maclean - 1981 - Journal of Medical Ethics 7 (1):47-48.
  38.  57
    Ethics among peers: file sharing on the internet between openness and precaution.U. Pagallo - 2010 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 8 (2):136-149.
    PurposeThe paper suggests overcoming the polarization of today's debate on peer‐to‐peer systems by defining a fair balance between the principle of precaution and the principle of openness. Threats arising from these file sharing applications‐systems should not be a pretext to limit freedom of research, speech or the right “freely to participate in the cultural life of the community”, as granted by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from 1948. The paper aims to take sides in today's debate.Design/methodology/approachThe paper adopts an (...)
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  39.  81
    Once and Again.Eva Unternaehrer, Katherine Tombeau Cost, Wibke Jonas, Sabine K. Dhir, Andrée-Anne Bouvette-Turcot, Hélène Gaudreau, Shantala Hari Dass, John E. Lydon, Meir Steiner, Peter Szatmari, Michael J. Meaney & Alison S. Fleming - 2019 - Human Nature 30 (4):448-476.
    Animal and human studies suggest that parenting style is transmitted from one generation to the next. The hypotheses of this study were that a mother’s rearing experiences would predict her own parenting resources and current maternal mood, motivation to care for her offspring, and relationship with her parents would underlie this association. In a subsample of 201 first-time mothers participating in the longitudinal Maternal Adversity, Vulnerability and Neurodevelopment project, we assessed a mother’s own childhood maltreatment and rearing experiences using the (...)
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    Studies in Philosophy: By Hari Mohan Bhattachryya.Hari Mohan Bhattacharyya - 1933 - Motilal Banarsidass.
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    Yŏksajuŭi: yŏksa wa ch'ŏrhak ŭi taehwa.Sang-U. Im (ed.) - 2014 - Sŏul-si: Kyŏngin Munhwasa.
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  42. Mir i dukhovnai︠a︡ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ na planete.I︠U︡. V. Kononov - 1995 - Kiev: [S.N.]. Edited by Z. N. Kononova.
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  43.  19
    Dhammadesanā, a Buddhist perspective: Prof. Mahesh Tiwary commemoration volume.Maheśa Tivārī, Hari Śaṅkara Śukla & Bimlendra Kumar (eds.) - 2008 - Varanasi: Publication Cell, Banaras Hindu University.
    Contributed articles on various aspects of Buddhist philosophy, literature and doctrines.
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  44.  17
    Vedānta Explained: Śaṃkara's Commentary on the Brahma-SūtrasVedanta Explained: Samkara's Commentary on the Brahma-Sutras.J. A. B. van Buitenen & Vinayak Hari Date - 1956 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 76 (1):48.
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  45. Problema estetychnoho i teorii︠a︡ upravlinni︠a︡.P. I. Havryli︠u︡k - 1970 - Kyïv: Nauk. dumka.
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    Somatychne butti︠a︡ personalʹnoho svitu osobystosti: monohrafii︠a︡.Lidii︠a︡ Hazni︠u︡k - 2003 - Kharkiv: Kharkivsʹkyĭ derz︠h︡avnyĭ universytet.
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  47. Blondels Phänomenologie des Willens im Lichte gegenwärtiger Erfahrung.U. Hommes - 1989 - Theologie Und Philosophie 64 (2):179-198.
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  48. Die Trinitäts- und Gotteslehre des Robert von Melun.U. Horst - 1964
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  49. Pytanni︠a︡ metodolohiï radi︠a︡nsʹkoho teoretychnoho muzykoznavstva: zbirnyk stateĭ.N. O. Hori︠u︡khina (ed.) - 1982 - Kyïv: "Muz. Ukraïna,".
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  50. Friedrich Ratzel (1844-1904)-Naturalist, geographer, scholar.U. Hossfeld - 1999 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 21 (2):195-213.
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